Some people might think love isn't for them. Love isn't only about romantic things. Love is the feeling you get when you greet your pet, eat your favorite meal, hear your favorite song, and all those beautiful things in life. But I really think humans were meant to love each other. Why do I think that? Well, I'm a hopeless romantic—that's one thing. But I also think there's something there. Again, I think there're different types of love, and not all of them are for everyone. But I really want to think about romantic love.
If humans weren't meant to love each other, why do our hands fit together so perfectly? Why do interactions with the right people feel so incredibly good? Why do feelings bubble up and overflow to the point that it's impossible to hide them?
If humans weren't meant to love each other, why do our hands fit together so perfectly? Why do interactions with the right people feel so incredibly good? Why do feelings bubble up and overflow to the point that it's impossible to hide them?
Really, what is it that draws two people together? There are so many facets to love: emotional attraction, physical attraction, spiritual attraction, intellectual attraction, and more. When all of these culminate into one cohesive emotion, that's that "clicking" that happens really rarely. But to have all these things come together, timing is incredibly vital. I recognize that I wouldn't have what I have now if it weren't for a string of things happening in a perfect way for things to fall into place.
If you think about it that way, that's pretty incredible. There are so many things that are necessary for one to love and be loved, but it happens. Maybe it doesn't happen frequently, but it does happen. And there're 7.8 billion people in the world. What does it take for two people to fall into each other's lives and truly click? I think it takes a lot. And I think these things can all work in harmony to create a relationship because humans were made to love.
That sounds like an incredibly romanticized view of life, but I think it's true. Most humans try to find a partner in life, and that's with good reason. We all want someone who is our person. Friendships and family are important, but there's a part in most that is left open for that person. Love might not be everyone's meaning of life, but it's a large part for many.
Doesn't that mean something? It has to mean something. Why would we be wired to feel such joy when seeing someone we love? Why would our minds work in a way that allows it to revolve around someone? Why do we crave physical contact with those we love? Why would any of this exist? Some might argue it's just instinct to reproduce—but last time I checked, this doesn't happen just between biological males and biological females. This happens regardless of sex or gender. There's clearly something more intimate than just "haha want child". There's something so much deeper and incredible at work.
And I think that's really beautiful. People can make you feel so much—bad and good things alike. The bad can be incredibly bad; many can certainly attest to that. But the's so good. It's too good for there to be a simple explanation of biology or something like that. It's a complex mix of a myriad of things that work because we're meant to love and be loved.
And everyone deserves to feel that.
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