Thinking about Feminism

Recently in my classes, I've had some discussions on feminism. I'm pretty mad about this stuff because I don't understand why my rights have to be up for debate. White men (or Japanese men in Japan) don't seem to have their rights up for debate every other day. I wonder why. I wonder why women are continuously put in a subordinate position. Who is the person who literally created life? That's someone with a womb, that's for sure. And usually that's a woman. Not always, but usually.

And yet some people have the audacity to say that abortion is immoral. If life is so important to you, don't you think that the mother's life is also important? That "baby" is a clump of cells at best. I am so sick of this argument. If whatever has the potential to become life shouldn't be "killed", men need to stop masturbating. See how dumb that sounds? That's the argument pro-lifers are making. But of course, they're never going to tell men to do anything because somehow babies spawn in women's wombs without any male intervention.
Male contraception makes a lot more sense if you want to get rid of abortions. Vasectomies are reversible. A woman doesn't get pregnant without a man. Unless there's some sort of immaculate conception going on. One woman can only get pregnant once every 9+ months or so (assuming she gives birth), whereas one man can impregnate a number of women in a single day. It just seems more logical to stop it at the source instead of putting the blame on women. 
Why does this debate make even me uncomfortable? That's because we're so used to policing women's bodies and not men's that this sort of language about doing something to men sounds so egregious. But it makes more sense. Nobody is going to force men to have vasectomies. That would be absurd. But some people are trying to force women to have babies they do not want. Isn't that also pretty absurd? Nobody would debate about whether or not to legally enforce something regarding men (whether it be contraceptive shots, vasectomies, etc.) because it just doesn't sound right. That same sentiment should hold true for debates about abortion. 

And then there's a whole other issue with some people (usually men) who think feminism is somehow attacking them. I think the only time real feminism would attack men is when they're doing something wrong. I'm not going to yell at a man who fairly got a promotion over me, but I will yell at him if he holds the view that women are somehow innately incapable of getting that promotion. There's a difference. The reality is that feminism should benefit everyone, regardless of their gender. Feminism is about equality. That means no more double standards in either direction. Men can be soft. Men can be emotional. Men can ask for help. Patriarchy is not only detrimental to women but men as well—it's bad for everyone involved. Yes, men do get certain benefits, but at what cost? Not all men actually want to treat women poorly. Not all men want to "act tough" and "be a man". And certainly, no man wants to be ridiculed for any interests and passions that he has that just happens to not adhere to "male standards". 

Feminism is the answer to a lot of problems. It's not going to solve racism, but it will substantially help those suffering from intersectional prejudices. It's not going to end global warming, but feminist political theory could help. And honestly, things have largely been done by men so far...why not let women try and see how they fare? There's no argument about men somehow being more competent than women—Trump exists. 

I see a lot of things about how the future is female. I would rather view it as the future is feminism. Because everyone needs to get involved, and everyone will benefit. I hope I'll get to see a better world in my lifetime. 
