Why You Shouldn't Be Embarrassed of What You Love

No matter how much I tell myself that I'm proud of the things I like, sometimes, the opinions of others still manage to get to me. It doesn't matter what others think. If anything, it's a bit more embarrassing to be so full of yourself that you look down on others' taste in anything. Despite this, I think most people feel embarrassed about some things they enjoy. There're things called "guilty pleasures". Well, I'm here to say that they shouldn't exist.

First, no matter what you're consuming, whether it be music, books, or movies, you are consuming that content for yourself. You're not watching a movie for someone else's enjoyment. If you like something, you like it, and that is completely fine. Now, I have issues with supporting content from criminals (I won't drop names, but I don't particularly support the art of pedophiles, for example). I know this is a whole other issue pertaining to uniting the artist with the art. I draw the line at death (whether the creator is dead or not), but others draw the line at other places. I say that in some cases, it can't be helped that certain dead creators are horrible or questionable people—times have certainly changed. Regardless, I think it's permissible to at least give their content a try. On the other hand, if you can actively support the creator (think of living criminals), maybe...don't. But that's just me. Again, you do you.
Getting back to the main idea, I think everyone has the right to enjoy what they enjoy. Even if they enjoy something from a horrible person, it still isn't someone else's place to berate them. Maybe they don't support the creator as a person, at least. Who knows? It's not really anyone's business—perhaps unless the person is pressuring everyone into supporting that problematic creator.

The second point is the common criticism: "that isn't deep"; "it isn't meaningful"; or "it's not done well". Since when was everyone a critic? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but unless that negative opinion were asked for...just don't share it. It's horrible to enjoy something just because and have someone come up to you and say "it's garbage because it's not meaningful". Why does everything have to be meaningful, anyway? This goes both ways—you don't have to consume or create meaningful things only. I think there's a very popular concept of things having to be meaningful. Why, though? Frankly, I'm a bit tired of things having to be meaningful. What's wrong with enjoying a fun song or a cheesy series without a deep meaning? Why aren't we allowed to escape into idealistic fantasies or the beat of a party song?

Whatever you enjoy, don't feel embarrassed for enjoying it. You don't need a reason other than "I like it". I think it's dumb that society tells us we should be embarrassed of certain things like pop music or cheesy movies. Who cares if some people don't like it? Who cares if people judge you? It just means they're letting their judgements come in between themselves and enjoying more things.

You can enjoy "cool things" like classic movies or rock bands while still enjoying things often (unrightfully) labeled as "embarrassing things" like boy bands and young adult novels. It's literally only your business. Life's too short to pretend you don't like that thing you're embarrassed of.
